How it works
You can use Loome for collaborative research projects or as a collaboration tool for business, to help keep your research project timeline on track while also collaboratively working together.
You can share resources with your team in Loome Assist or you can create a project in Microsoft Teams.
Collaboration Tools in Loome
As one of your team collaboration tools, you can invite colleagues to work together on projects, and utilize shared resources, data storage and document libraries, all from within your team. In each project you can choose to add collaboration tools and document libraries, so you can collaborate with these shared data resources, documents, and chat for each of your projects.
If enabled for a project, a private team will be created in Microsoft Teams. It will be named after your project and will also add Project Owners as Owners, while all other roles will be added as Members. You can easily be directed to your project in Microsoft Teams via the UI in Loome.

Create a Project in Microsoft Teams
Or you can add the Loome Assist App and view your project directly in Microsoft Teams.
With the Loome Assist for Teams app, you can access your project from within Microsoft Teams. In your team in Microsoft Teams, the Loome Assist app will add a tab where you can access your project and provision and enable resources on demand.
To add Loome to Teams, go to your ‘Teams’ tab on the left ribbon menu. Choose a team and then click on the ‘+’ on the right of the tabs at the top of your team window. Add the Loome Assist app and then provide your tenant details. You can then proceed to creating your project. Once you have created this project, you can access it in this tab and choose to deploy and manage your resources.